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The riddle of quadratic sweetness, known to all, yet by none is named

They are small, square, and - at least formerly - not to be forgotten on any birthday: the colorful candy bonbons, which everyone knows but no one can name. The mystery of our childhood.

They are called Bohme Fruit Carlicles, short Frukas, and are produced in Saxony
They are called Bohme Fruit Carlicles, short Frukas, and are produced in Saxony

unchanged for 60 years - The riddle of quadratic sweetness, known to all, yet by none is named

Since 60 years unchanged: The quadratically colored Kaubonbons have accompanied the childhood of many Germans – at the first visit to the bank, at the doctor's, or during carnival processions. Children's birthdays really took off when the colorful Kaubonbons were distributed in the flavors of Cherry, Raspberry, Lemon, and Orange. But what are these sweets really called and why have they remained the same design for 60 years?

The mystery of our childhood was recently revealed by Comedian Ole Waschkau on Twitter (now X): They are called Bohme Fruit Karamels and are produced in Delitzsch, Saxony. Darren Ehlert, Managing Director of the Delitzscher Schokoladenfabrik and also Board Member of the sister company Halloren, affectionately refers to his Karamels as "Frukas."

"After the fall of the Wall, the Delitzscher Schokoladenfabrik became a subsidiary of the company Wissoll, which relocated the production of various sweets brands to Delitzsch," explains Ehlert in an interview with "Wirtschaftswoche". Today, the Chocolate Factory is once again an independent business and produces, among other things, Royal Mints, Chocolate Cream Tablets, and of course the Bohme Fruit Karamels. "They are among our bestsellers," quotes him the "Berliner Kurier".

Steady Demand for Kaubonbons

The quadratic Kaubonbons are not a growing market, but the demand remains "extremely stable at a very good level," according to Ehlert in the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" (SZ). Ehlert emphasizes how much they love the product because it is the only non-chocolate sweetness in their assortment. Cherry and Raspberry are the most popular flavors, he tells the "Süddeutsche Zeitung."

But why isn't such a successful product further developed – and why does it remain in retro design? They tried to modernize the Fruit Karamels, Ehlert explains. For example, they changed the packaging into a standing pouch, but that didn't go well: The packaging only stood upright in the shelf. According to "Wirtschaftswoche," there were even complaints. It's also worth noting that customers threatened on social media that they would no longer buy the product if anything was changed.

The bond of customers to the Fruit Karamels is remarkable. Ehlert suspects that his Karamels evoke nostalgic feelings because they are often associated with first experiences or close family relationships. "People report memories of their childhood, that they associate Frukas with their parents or the first visit to the bank or the barber," says Ehlert to the "Süddeutsche Zeitung".

Fruit Karamels: A Little Piece of Nostalgia

And what happens with the bonbons during Carnival? Ehlert doesn't mind that his bonbons are used as throwable sweets. "It's somehow sad that a food item is thrown through the streets. But that's just part of the tradition," says Ehlert to the "SZ" and adds: "Carnival is good for our business. Two months after Christmas, we sell the most bonbons."

The secrets behind the continuing success of the Bohme Fruit Karamels lie in steady demand, living childhood memories, and the traditional connection to Carnival. In a world that is constantly changing, they remain a little piece of Nostalgia.

Sources: "Wirtschaftswoche", "Süddeutsche Zeitung", "Berliner Kurier", Ole Waschkau on "X"

The change in packaging for the Bohme Fruit Karamels, including using a standing pouch, was met with disagreement from customers on social media and even threats of stopping their purchases. (Twitter, social media)

The retro design of the Bohme Fruit Karamels packaging might be contributing to its appeal, as customers associate the sweetness with nostalgic memories of their childhood and first experiences. (nostalgic feelings, childhood memories)

Despite efforts to modernize the packaging of Bohme Fruit Karamels, the classic quadratic packaging with its colorful and recognizable design continues to maintain steady demand among children celebrating their birthdays and adults who cherish their childhood sweets. (classic design, children's birthday, childhood sweets)

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