- The retirement benefits scheme provides a complimentary prevention initiative.
The Rhineland-Palatinate branch of German Pension Insurance presents a complimentary initiative centered around exercise, diet, and stress relief management. Launched in July 2020, the program has garnered rising popularity among employees, prompting an expansion, as per Hans-Georg Arnold, spokesperson for German Pension Insurance in Rhineland-Palatinate. "RV Fit's primary aim is to pinpoint workers exhibiting early signs of impairment yet not requiring rehabilitation", he declared. A simple self-evaluation is sufficient for this.
In 2023, the total count of online enrollments reached 877, with 541 prevention services successfully accomplished. Compared to the previous year, where there were 480 registrations and 320 completed services.
The German Pension Insurance's initiative, RV Fit, also encourages online enrollment for its exercise, diet, and stress management program. This digital aspect of RV Fit saw a significant increase in 2023 with 877 online registrations, up from 480 the year prior.
Despite the shift towards digital enrolment, the German pension insurance still offers its complimentary program as an option for pension insurance beneficiaries, not just employees, to manage their well-being, including the German pension insurance pensioners.