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The outcomes of the recent local elections remain undisclosed for Erfurt and Gera.

On Sunday, people in Thuringia cast their ballots for district councilors, mayors, and numerous local council representatives. The official outcomes will be revealed on Tuesday.

Katrin Göring-Eckardt, (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Vizepräsidentin des Deutschen Bundestages,...
Katrin Göring-Eckardt, (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Vizepräsidentin des Deutschen Bundestages, spricht bei der Landesdelegiertenkonferenz der Grünen in Thüringen.

Voting events - The outcomes of the recent local elections remain undisclosed for Erfurt and Gera.

The cities of Erfurt and Gera are behind schedule compared to other Thuringian municipalities in revealing the outcomes of their municipal council elections. Both the state capital and the third largest city in Thuringia anticipate completing the data by Tuesday. Once this is achieved, the state electoral officer can release a preliminary result for the district and municipal council elections in the five free cities. This is seen as a pattern of how the political parties have been facing challenges in the communal elections.

Norman Bulenda, the electoral officer of Erfurt, remarked that, as promised, the tallying of votes for Erfurt's municipal council election commenced on Monday. While the counting process is done, the lengthy task of inputting the data from the voting station protocols into the state electoral officer's electronic recording system is ongoing. Bulenda mentioned that Erfurt had 210 polling stations, with each station requiring approximately 15 minutes to enter data because of the numerous candidates. "It takes time." There were no problems or complications encountered during the vote counting in the state capital.

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The local elections in Erfurt and Gera, part of Thuringia's county council, are still pending, causing a delay compared to other municipalities in the region. Over 210 polling stations in Erfurt require intricate data inputting, slowing down the reveal of results, which is expected by Tuesday. Sunday saw local elections being held across numerous Thuringian municipalities, a challenge that has tested the political parties' abilities in these elections.


