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The organizers of IdeenExpo are pleased with the turnout of attendees.

The team behind the IdeenExpo 2024 in Hanover expresses contentment with the current attendance rates, which are said to be at par with those from 2022, according to Volker Schmidt, Chair of the Supervisory Board. For the 2022 event, approximately 425,000 attendees made their way to Hanover,...

A Bundeswehr helicopter takes off from the exhibition grounds at IdeenExpo 2024.
A Bundeswehr helicopter takes off from the exhibition grounds at IdeenExpo 2024.

Exhibitions - The organizers of IdeenExpo are pleased with the turnout of attendees.

The primary goal of the fair is to captivate young individuals and spark interest in technical and scientific careers. A vast array of schools, research establishments, universities, and enterprises display diverse disciplines at the event. One of the captivating themes this year is artificial intelligence. "It's like a common thread that weaves through the majority of the exhibitors, and young people don't seem apprehensive about engaging with it," asserts Schmidt.

Attendees at the IdeenExpo get to immerse themselves in what life on the International Space Station entails through virtual reality goggles, or learn how this technology operates on a fire truck. The fair also features a stage holding musical performances. For instance, there's a show scheduled for Saturday evening featuring rapper Cro. The fair continues until June 16, and there's no fee to enter.

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