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The organization "Fridays For Future" conducts demonstrations

In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, individuals backing the Fridays for Future initiative staged protests for enhanced climate protection, just as they did in a variety of German cities. Reportedly, around 150 individuals rallied in Greifswald, while a significant protest transpired in Rostock as...

Participants in a demonstration by the Fridays for Future movement march through the city center.
Participants in a demonstration by the Fridays for Future movement march through the city center.

Prior to the European and local polls. - The organization "Fridays For Future" conducts demonstrations

The gatherings in Greifswald and Rostock showcased the crucial role city elections hold in terms of environmental preservation. In Rostock, a sign reading "Rostock becomes climate neutral by 2035" was placed, while the mood was light and content. One individual held aloft a sign stating "Coal mining only in Minecraft," referring to the well-known computer game. In Greifswald, there was also singing involved.

"We know climate change is serious business," stated Fridays for Future Greifswald. "As the EU Parliament sets the rules, it's the responsibility of the county council and city council to carry out measures that reduce carbon emissions."

Fridays for Future advocates for a compelling statement against the right-wing movement via mindful voting. The organization seeks an EU-wide exit from coal, oil, and gas by 2035, coupled with a doubling in funding allocated towards renewable energies and climate-neutral sectors.

The EU elections are happening in Germany on June 9th. For the first time, every German citizen aged 16 and up can participate in the voting process. These climate protests in Germany stand out as part of a pan-European wave of demonstrations centered around environmental preservation.

Check out the Fridays for Future website for further information:

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