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The opposition urges a specific gathering of the Committee on Internal Affairs.

Continuing deficiencies in storing evidence by the police in Saxony-Anhalt are coming to light repeatedly. Now, the police academy is under scrutiny, and politicians are demanding answers.

Pistols, revolvers and ammunition lie on a table in a secure evidence room.
Pistols, revolvers and ammunition lie on a table in a secure evidence room.

Law Enforcement Educational Instruction Facility - The opposition urges a specific gathering of the Committee on Internal Affairs.

Following an audit conducted by the State Audit Office at the Police University concerning the management of firearms, state legislators from the opposition are requesting a special meeting of the Interior Committee. The incident stems from suspicions that weapons borrowed from the comparison weapons collection of the State Criminal Police Office in Aschersleben are unaccounted for. Neither the State Audit Office, the Interior Ministry, the LKA, nor the Police University have issued any statements addressing alleged shortcomings.

A representative for the Interior Ministry revealed on Wednesday that the audit conducted by the State Audit Office was not yet complete. However, this does not appease members of the Left and the Greens in the state parliament.

In a statement on Thursday, Henriette Quade of the Left expressed concerns over potential security risks, stating that "if weapons are indeed missing, they must be investigated immediately." She added that Interior Minister Tamara Zieschang (CDU) needs to disclose whether the allegations are accurate and shed light on the methods of storing weapons at the Police University.

The Greens also called for a special session of the Interior Committee in the near future. The AfD faction concurred with this stance, as Matthias Büttner, the interior policy spokesperson for the party, stated, "We need to get to the bottom of this situation."

Last January, the State Audit Office issued a report on major flaws in the inventory management of the Asservatenverwaltung. Most recently, it was discovered that an inordinate number of weapons were never destroyed even when court orders mandated that they be disposed of. The ongoing investigation into the comparison weapons collection of the State Criminal Police Office has yet to reach its conclusion.

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