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The ongoing pursuit of the individual responsible for assaulting the election assistance personnel persists

Following a presumed politically driven assault on an election official, the authorities are yet to identify a suspect. A detailed sketch is being employed to aid investigations.

Following an assault on an election administrator, law enforcement continues their hunt for the...
Following an assault on an election administrator, law enforcement continues their hunt for the perpetrator. (Illustration)

- The ongoing pursuit of the individual responsible for assaulting the election assistance personnel persists

Following an assault on a volunteer for the Green party during an election campaign in Hohen Neuendorf, Oberhavel district, the law enforcement are still in pursuit of the suspected assailant. The authorities have publicly released a sketch of the potential suspect. The individual, thought to be somewhere between 20 and 35 years old, got into an argument with the volunteer, who was distributing campaign materials at the time.

It's claimed that he then assaulted the volunteer, stole their belongings, and swiftly departed the area. The police department's division handling political crimes is currently investigating the situation.

The volunteer decided to cancel the remaining campaign parties due to safety concerns. Despite the incident, supporters organized a small protest party in solidarity with the Green party.

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