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The number of unemployed in Saxony rose seasonally

Currently, there are more women and men without work in the state. This is mainly due to seasonal reasons.

The unemployment rate was slightly higher in July than a year ago
The unemployment rate was slightly higher in July than a year ago

- The number of unemployed in Saxony rose seasonally

In Saxony, the number of unemployed individuals rose by approximately 4,700 to 141,500 in July compared to June. The unemployment rate stood at 6.6 percent, an increase of 0.2 percentage points from the previous month, the regional directorate of the Federal Employment Agency announced on Wednesday in Chemnitz. The reference date for the reporting month was July 15. A year ago, the rate was 6.2 percent.

"The increase in unemployment in Saxony during the summer holidays is mainly due to seasonal factors," said Klaus-Peter Hansen, head of the BA regional directorate. "Apprentices registered as unemployed after completing their training, and many funding measures and further training courses ended with the start of the summer holidays. These are typical developments on the labor market in the summer." Encouragingly, more vacant jobs have been reported in recent weeks.

Men and boys might have found it challenging to secure employment during the summer holidays due to the increase in unemployment in Saxony. The seasonal factors, such as apprenticeship completions and ending of funding measures, contributed to the rise in unemployment, affecting both men and boys.

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