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The number of asylum seekers in Saxony more than halved

Fewer refugees arrived in the Free State from January to June. The situation in the initial reception facilities has eased.

Over 4,000 places are available in Saxon initial reception facilities (Archive image)
Over 4,000 places are available in Saxon initial reception facilities (Archive image)

In the first half of 2024 - The number of asylum seekers in Saxony more than halved

In Saxony, the number of asylum seekers in the first half of 2024 has decreased by more than half. From January to June, 4,605 refugees arrived in Saxony, according to a response from the Ministry of the Interior to a request from MP Juliane Nagel (Left). In the same period last year, there were 10,048 refugees, according to figures from the Saxon State Directorate. The majority of asylum seekers in 2024 came from Syria (882), Venezuela (851), and Afghanistan (447).

For the first time in two years, Saxony has received refugees from other federal states. In this way, 4,703 people moved to the Free State. Not included in these figures are refugees from the Ukraine. They usually do not have to apply for asylum due to special EU protection regulations.

Currently, according to the Saxon State Directorate, there are 2,487 asylum seekers and 279 refugees from the Ukraine living in the initial reception facilities - there is space for 6,825 refugees.

The Saxon Refugee Council has serious concerns

The Saxon Refugee Council sees various reasons for the decrease in numbers, such as the increasing rejections at the borders with Poland and the Czech Republic. "We have serious concerns about this," said Dave Schmidtke, spokesperson for the Refugee Council, according to a statement. "We still do not know how the Federal Police is justifying the direct refusal of asylum applications."

According to reports, those affected have repeatedly described difficulties with translations at the border. The Refugee Council therefore demands independent monitoring of border controls. "Violence against people to prevent them from fleeing must never be considered a success in a rule of law," said Schmidtke.

The decrease in the number of refugees in Saxony in the first half of 2024, as noted by the Saxon State Directorate, includes fewer refugees from countries like Syria, Venezuela, and Afghanistan. However, the number of refugees from Ukraine, who typically do not need to apply for asylum due to EU regulations, is not included in these figures, and there are currently 2,487 asylum seekers and 279 refugees from Ukraine living in the initial reception facilities in Saxony.

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