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The Ministry has pronounced the nursing chamber a flop.

The Ministry of Social Affairs has been reviewing the concerns regarding the creation of a nursing room for several months. Unfortunately, the number of objections is high, resulting in the project's eventual failure.

A nurse pushes a patient bed through the corridor of a hospital ward.
A nurse pushes a patient bed through the corridor of a hospital ward.

Well-being - The Ministry has pronounced the nursing chamber a flop.

Following a detailed evaluation lasting several months, the Social Ministry has disclosed that the formation of a nursing hub in Baden-Württemberg has been unsuccessful. The compulsory quorum was notably missed by roughly 3,400 votes, the ministry disclosed on Monday in Stuttgart. The hub would have been realized only if 67,757 caregivers did not object to its creation. On the other hand, only around 64,380 of the roughly 120,000 registered caregivers expressed their opinions before the end of February.

With a hint of frustration, Social Minister Manne Lucha remarked, "It's not a hidden fact I would have liked to see a nursing hub established." The quorum was envisioned to provide the hub with substantial legitimacy. "Unfortunately, based on the registration results, it seems this is not the case."

It appears that there are almost equal numbers of those in favor of and those against the establishment of a nursing hub in the southwest, Lucha observed. "It's now time for all caregivers and political decision-makers to confront the professional-political issues of tomorrow without the presence of a nursing hub and with immense vigor."

In May, the state parliament cleared the path for a nursing hub. The green-black state administration had justified its stance at the time by stating it could empower caregivers and enhance their professional standing.

Read also:

  1. Despite the disappointment expressed by Social Minister Manne Lucha, the Ministry of Social Affairs in Baden-Württemberg has deemed the formation of a nursing hub for nursing professions as unsuccessful due to a lack of sufficient support.
  2. The proposed nursing hub in Baden-Württemberg, which was intended to boost the status of nursing professionals and provide them with more power, failed to garner the required support from the majority of caregivers, according to the Ministry of Social Affairs based in Stuttgart.
  3. While the Ministry of Social Affairs in Baden-Württemberg had hoped for the establishment of a nursing hub to enhance the standing of nursing professions, the lack of quorum, specifically with 3,400 fewer votes than required, has resulted in a setback for the nursing chamber in Stuttgart.



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