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The mineral water is deemed insufficient.

Classic-Zisch assessed 54 times in Öko-Test

Many mineral waters can be enjoyed without any worries.
Many mineral waters can be enjoyed without any worries.

The mineral water is deemed insufficient.

Mineral water is a favorite drink all year round, whether it's hot or cold. As long as the quality is good, it's a great way to hydrate and supply your body with minerals. However, a recent Öko-Test report found that not all mineral waters are created equal.

In fact, Germans consume a lot of mineral and medicinal water, expecting to get their daily dose of minerals from the source. But, unfortunately, these waters can also contain other unwanted substances like degradation products from pesticides, uranium, and nickel.

To test the quality of these waters, Öko-Test analyzed 54 classic mineral waters, ranging in price from 0.18 to 1.25 euros per liter. They selected products from all over Germany as there are about 800 recognized mineral springs in the country. The rules state that mineral water should come from underground sources untouched by contamination.

One product gets a bad rating

In the lab, all mineral waters were examined for heavy metals, pesticide residues, nitrate, sweeteners, and other impurities. For infant waters and organic waters, they checked for nitrite, fluoride, sulphate, sodium, and radioactive materials as well. testing was done on any water with specific claims about mineral, nitrate, and nitrite contents.

Of the 54 tested waters, 14 had substances Öko-Test found undesirable. These included boron, nickel, uranium, sweeteners, and pesticide degradation products. The "Marius Quelle Classic" from Rietenauer Mineralquellen received a "poor" rating for its high boron levels.

Boron can have developmental and reproductive toxic effects according to the Federal Office for Risk Assessment (BfR). It recommends that the boron limit in mineral water should follow the Drinking Water Ordinance, not the higher Mineral Water Ordinance. So, Öko-Test devalued any water that had more than half the drinking water ordinance limit. Additionally, a pesticide degradation product was found in this water.

26 mineral waters pass the test

The good news is that 26 mineral waters passed with flying colors, getting a "very good" rating. These waters included: "Nassauer Land Classic" (0.43 euros per liter), "Lichtenauer Mineralquellen Spritzig" (0.54 euros), "Burgwallbronn First Class Classic" (0.60 euros), "Selters Classic" (0.80 euros), "Christinen Spritzig" (0.87 euros - organic), and "Gerolsteiner Sprudel" (1.01 euros).

Read also:

  1. Following the Öko-Test report, consumer centers are advising consumers to be cautious when purchasing mineral water, as some products might contain undesirable substances like boron and pesticide degradation products.
  2. Concerned about the heatwave, many consumers are starting to pay more attention to the quality of the food they consume, leading to increased demand for certified organic products at consumer centers.
  3. To ensure the safety and quality of drinking water, advisors at consumer centers recommend regular tests, especially during heatwaves, to check for contaminants like nitrates and heavy metals.
  4. The food industry is under pressure to improve its sustainability practices and reduce its environmental footprint, as a growing number of consumers are looking for certified eco-friendly food options at consumer centers.




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