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Election posters from various parties hanging on a lamp post near the market square in...
Election posters from various parties hanging on a lamp post near the market square in Mannheim-Rheinau. In Mannheim, an AfD municipal council candidate was attacked with a knife late on Tuesday evening. The man was injured, as the Deutsche Presse-Agentur learned on Wednesday. The perpetrator was arrested.

Political campaigning efforts - The mayor of Mannheim condemns the cowardly and base action.

Mannheim's Mayor, Christian Specht, firmly criticized the assault on a candidate from the AfD for the city council race. "This unforgivable act is reprehensible and cannot be excused under any circumstances," he stated on Wednesday. "Whoever aims to harm election candidates threatens the very core of our democratic system - free, equal, direct, and confidential voting."

The distressing episode is part of a larger pattern of targeting election volunteers, female politicians, and male politicians happening across Germany currently. "The hatred and propensity for violence surfacing in our society right now are intolerable," Specht stated.

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