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The Legal Authority's probe is focused on falsified voting documents.

Following the Saxony state elections, allegations of tampering have surfaced. Various ballot papers are reportedly under suspicion of being altered - supposedly benefitting the right-wing extremist group, 'Free Saxons'.

The Saxon State Election manipulation scandal is under scrutiny by the Office of the Chief...
The Saxon State Election manipulation scandal is under scrutiny by the Office of the Chief Prosecutor.

The Dresden District Attorney's Office has initiated an investigation into alleged vote manipulation during the Saxon state election. It's suspected that unidentified individuals tampered with a total of 126 mail-in ballots, favoring the far-right minor party Free Saxony, the District Attorney's Office revealed. The manipulated ballots originated from various voting districts. Due to ongoing probes, more specifics couldn't be shared.

Out of the 126 affected ballots, 85 came from two voting districts in Dresden-Langebrück, 27 from the city area of Dresden, and 14 from two voting districts in Radeberg, the District Attorney's Office explained.

As previously reported by the police, unidentified individuals had covered up previously marked crosses and instead marked Free Saxony. The Saxon Criminal Police Office has also been conducting investigations. The Saxon Electoral Committee had announced that they'd decide on electoral penalties by September 13 at the latest.

In the state election, the micro-party gathered a total of 2.2%. Just like the Saxon AfD, Free Saxony is classified as a right-wing extremist group by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. According to their info, they're a gathering of neo-Nazis, former NPD officials, and other scene members or sympathizers, operating as a party. On their Telegram channel, Free Saxony denies any involvement in the manipulation of the ballots.

The investigation by the Dresden District Attorney's Office pertains to vote manipulation in Dresden, specifically influencing 85 mail-in ballots in Dresden-Langebrück. The Saxon Criminal Police Office is also involved in probing the allegations against unidentified individuals who marked Free Saxony ballots in Dresden.

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