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The left-wing party calls for a panel to investigate right-wing extremism.

An inquiry board revealed insights into political violence. By the conclusion, the panelists showed worry regarding far-right radicalism. The Left Party believes more elucidation is necessary in this regard.

Katharina König-Preuss, Bewerberin für die Landesliste.
Katharina König-Preuss, Bewerberin für die Landesliste.

Legislative body meets to discuss [ bear illegal weapons in public places. - The left-wing party calls for a panel to investigate right-wing extremism.

The Left Faction in Thuringia is demanding a parliamentary committee on right-wing terrorism during the upcoming legislative period. This was revealed by Left member of parliament Katharina König-Preuss during a gathering in Erfurt on Tuesday. She cited the final report of the parliamentary committee on politically motivated violent crime and ongoing developments within the far-right scene for her request.

The parliamentary committee on political violence concluded its final report on Tuesday. The Left issued a separate statement. "The core finding of the parliamentary committee is that there's a major issue with the extreme right in Thuringia," said König-Preuss. They've uncovered the "extent of right-wing, racial, and anti-Semitic violence in Thuringia." The extreme right has been forming connections and partnerships in recent years.

In the evaluation section of the final report, the term "mosaic right" is used. Certain members of the AfD are described as trailblazers of politically motivated crimes. The Thuringian AfD has been designated as a securely right-wing extremist organization by the constitution protection agency and under surveillance. The parliamentary committee recommends that politically motivated violence be combated, focusing on far-right extremism. The final report will be debated in the Thuringian state parliament before the summer break.

SPD parliamentarian Denny Möller stated during the parliamentary committee's work that "it's been confirmed that the greatest threat to an open, diverse society in Thuringia comes from the extreme right." It's also become evident that the AfD serves as "the parliamentary arm of the extreme right in Thuringia, functioning as a connection between 'Reichsbürger' and the Identitarian Movement."

Read also:

  1. The AfD's role in promoting right-wing extremism and politically motivated crimes was highlighted in the parliamentary committee's final report on violent crime.
  2. In light of the report's findings, The Left in Thuringia's parliamentary faction calls for an investigation committee on right-wing terrorism during the upcoming legislative term.
  3. The investigation committee would focus on combating politically motivated violence, particularly right-wing extremism, as recommended by the previous parliamentary committee on violent crime.
  4. Katharina König-Preuss, a member of The Left in Thuringia, advocated for this investigation committee at a gathering in Erfurt, referring to the committee's final report and current developments within the far-right scene.
  5. The extreme right in Thuringia has shown a pattern of forming connections and partnerships, according to the final report, which led to the designation of the Thuringian AfD as a securely right-wing extremist organization by the constitution protection agency.
  6. The threat of right-wing terrorism and extremism is a major concern in Thuringia, as stated by SPD parliamentarian Denny Möller, with the AfD serving as the "parliamentary arm" and connecting 'Reichsbürger' and the Identitarian Movement.


