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The leading figure from theCDUexpresses dissatisfaction towards the safety package.

The administration aims to impose penalties for the incident in Solingen. Patron of the CDU in Brandenburg, Redmann, expressed significant skepticism regarding this action.

Critiques the traffic light administration's proposals: Jan Redmann, leader of Brandenburg's CDU...
Critiques the traffic light administration's proposals: Jan Redmann, leader of Brandenburg's CDU state and party faction.

- The leading figure from theCDUexpresses dissatisfaction towards the safety package.

According to Redmann, the leader of the CDU in Brandenburg's state and faction, the federal government's response to the knife attack in Solingen is a "disappointing impulsive action." He believes that granting the federal police additional powers for checks at train stations and the use of tasers isn't sufficient to combat Islamic terrorism.

Redmann also voiced his concern over the absence of additional powers for internet security authorities. He opined that this was the missing key step forward. Moreover, the package fails to include any measures to control irregular migration.

The federal government has agreed on new measures to tackle Islamic terrorism, control irregular migration, and strengthen gun laws. This includes a ban on carrying knives on long-distance buses and trains, at folk festivals, and other large events. The criteria for obtaining weapon permits will be revised.

Asylum seekers who are responsible for another European state and have agreed to take them back will have their benefits suspended. Deportation becomes easier if a person has committed a crime with a weapon or another dangerous tool. Additionally, migrants can be easily excluded from protection in Germany if they have a criminal history.

Last Friday, an attacker murdered three people and injured eight others at a city festival in Solingen in a suspected Islamic attack. The suspected perpetrator is a 26-year-old Syrian. Despite plans for his deportation to Bulgaria last year, this was not successful.

The Commission, following this discourse, might decide to grant more powers to internet security authorities to combat online radicalization related to Islamic terrorism. The Commission's decision could also involve implementing stricter measures to manage irregular migration, addressing the concern raised by Redmann.

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