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The Kremlin warns of US rockets in Germany: European cities could be targets for Russia

The Kreml warned on Saturday about the deployment of extended US rackets in Germany: This could make European capitals potential targets for Russian rackets, threatened Kreml-spokesman Dmitri Peskov. 'Europe is a target for our rackets, our country is a target for US rackets in Europe. We know...

Kreml Speaker Peskov
Kreml Speaker Peskov

The Kremlin warns of US rockets in Germany: European cities could be targets for Russia

Peskov stated that such a confrontation could undermine Europe as a whole. "Europe is falling apart. Europe is not experiencing its best moment. In another configuration, a repetition of history is unavoidable," Peskov replied to Pavel Sarubin's remark that the Cold War ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The USA and Germany announced on Wednesday the stationing of extended-range US weapons systems in Germany starting from 2026. Concretely mentioned in a joint statement on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Washington were missiles longer in range than previously stationed in Europe, such as SM-6 and Tomahawk missiles, as well as hypersonic missiles with greater ranges than previous weapons systems in Europe. The stationing aims to reinforce US engagement in NATO and its contribution to deterrence against Russia.

Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) defended the decision in Washington and referred to it as "a good decision" that "secures peace."

A government spokesperson declared on Saturday, in response to an AFP inquiry, that the German government had taken note of the latest comments from the Kremlin spokesperson.

A spokesperson from the German Defense Ministry, in response to an AFP inquiry, referred to Bundesverteidigungsminister Boris Pistorius (SPD), who, on Thursday in the ZDF, emphasized the purely defensive character. Pistorius stated, "These weapons serve deterrence, nothing more and nothing less. They make it clear that we can also defend ourselves at this distance, if necessary, meaning we would be attacked." It is a "pure precautionary measure."

Putin has shown why he is ready and capable of this, Pistorius added further. It's about "countering this threat with a clear deterrence capability and defense readiness."

The Kremlin had already criticized the decision sharply on Thursday. This is another step "towards a new Cold War," Peskov declared. He accused the USA, Germany, France, and Great Britain of direct involvement "in the conflict around Ukraine."

The Russian Defense Ministry announced on Friday evening that Defense Minister Andrey Belousov had spoken with his US counterpart Lloyd Austin about reducing the risk of "a possible escalation."

A Pentagon spokesperson stated that Austin emphasized the importance of maintaining "communication channels" with Moscow during the conflict in Ukraine and shortly after the NATO summit in Washington.

  1. Despite Peskov's concern about a new Cold War, something might change in the geopolitical landscape between Russia and the United States of America.
  2. Europe's collective response to the stationing of US weapons in Germany could significantly impact the dynamics between the United States of America and Russia.
  3. Boris Pistorius, Germany's Defense Minister, emphasized the defensive nature of the US weapon stationing, viewing it as a necessary deterrent against potential threats from Russia.
  4. The decision to station US extended-range weapons in Germany has received strong support from top officials in the United States of America, including at the NATO Summit in Washington.
  5. Europe's geopolitical stability could be affected if the United States of America and Russia continue to have conflicting interests, as Russia has expressed concerns about the NATO Summit decisions.
  6. Russia's Defense Minister, Andrey Belousov, held discussions with his US counterpart Lloyd Austin to explore ways to reduce the risk of escalation, following the NATO Summit decisions.
  7. Dmitri Peskov, a Russian spokesperson, called the US-Germany move a step towards a new Cold War and accused major European powers of playing a direct role in the Ukraine conflict.
  8. Cities in Europe might find themselves in a precarious position if relations between the United States of America and Russia deteriorate further, as Germany and the US increase their defense readiness.
  9. The stationing of US-Rockets in Germany could potentially shift the chessboard of strategic balance between Europe, Russia, and the United States of America, with NATO as a key player.
  10. Given the ongoing tension between the United States of America, Germany, and Russia, successful diplomacy might be crucial to achieve a common goal that benefits Europe's peace and stability.

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