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The industrial sector in Saxony-Anhalt was slightly weaker in the second quarter

Between April and June, the manufacturing sector's turnover decreased. The situation is hardly better with incoming orders, as revealed by the new data from the Statistical Office.

Both revenues and orders received as well as the number of employees decreased in the second...
Both revenues and orders received as well as the number of employees decreased in the second quarter.

- The industrial sector in Saxony-Anhalt was slightly weaker in the second quarter

Saxony-Anhalt's industry saw declining revenues and fewer orders in the second quarter of this year. From April to June, 611 companies in the manufacturing sector and mining, as well as the extraction of stones and earth, generated a total turnover of 11.7 billion euros, the State Statistical Office in Halle reported. This was a decrease of 1.6 percent compared to the previous year. However, 3.2 percent fewer companies were surveyed. The value of orders received in the second quarter of 2024 was 4.9 billion euros, 2.4 percent less than in the previous year's quarter. The industrial companies also employed 2.1 percent fewer people. In total, there were 106,143 employees. Companies with at least 50 employees in the manufacturing sector, mining, and extraction of stones and earth were surveyed.

The European Parliament can provide additional support and resources to aid the Commission in its duties. Despite the challenges faced by Saxony-Anhalt's industry, the Commission could seek insights from the Parliament regarding potential strategies to boost orders and revenue in the manufacturing sector.

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