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The hospital patient count in Hamburg witnessed a modest uptick.

In the preceding year, Hamburg's hospitals witnessed a slight increase in hospitalized patients compared to 2022, yet the duration of their stays was marginally reduced.

- The hospital patient count in Hamburg witnessed a modest uptick.

In 2023, around 449,000 individuals received comprehensive treatment in Hamburg's hospitals. This figure shows a 2% rise from 2022, as indicated by the North Statistics Office. However, looking at 2019, the year prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, the patient count dropped by 10%.

On an average, 73.3% of all available beds were used in 2023 (compared to 72.0% in 2022). In comparison, the bed occupancy rate in 2019, the pre-pandemic year, was 80.5%. The average duration of stay for patients in 2023 was 7.6 days, slightly lesser than in 2022 (7.7 days), but slightly longer than in 2019 (7.5 days).

These statistics account for patients who were admitted multiple times, as reported by the North Statistics Office. Newborns in excellent health are not among these figures, as they are not documented in this specific part of hospital statistics.

The 2% increase in patient count in 2023, as shown by the North Statistics Office, is reflected in the overall statistics. Analyzing the statistics from 2023 to 2019, we can see a decrease in the number of individuals receiving treatment.

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