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The highest point on the Danube and Inn rivers in Passau was surpassed.

Relief in Passau, a city along three rivers: the maximum water levels on the Danube and Inn have been attained, and they're now starting to decline.

A house with the lettering "Zur blauen Donau" stands in the flood waters of the Danube.
A house with the lettering "Zur blauen Donau" stands in the flood waters of the Danube.

Deluge Overwhelms Region - The highest point on the Danube and Inn rivers in Passau was surpassed.

In the southeastern German city of Passau, the point where the rivers Danube and Inn meet, water levels are gradually decreasing. On Tuesday evening, the city reported that the Danube had surpassed the anticipated crest of ten meters. The Flood Information Service (HND) recorded a water level of approximately 9.70 meters. Usual water levels in this region are about 5.5 meters. The height on the Inn declined from approximately 7 meters to around 6.70 meters. Officials predict the levels will continue to fall in the forthcoming hours.

The Danube decrease will be more gradual than the dropping levels of the Inn.

The city declared a state of emergency due to the worsening flood situation on Tuesday. Many routes and public spaces in Passau are already shuttered due to the flood, and classes have been canceled. Bus service was disrupted, and connections to the old town were terminated on Tuesday. It was revealed that the old and inner city have been severely impacted.

Authorities have issued urgent warnings against approaching flooded regions. The entire region, especially the old and inner city, should be avoided. The city is now focusing on establishing structures in preparation for the cleanup work, which may commence as soon as Friday.

Passau is the location where the rivers Danube, Inn, and Ilz merge.

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