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The Health Minister urges businesses to employ heat safeguards.

The second country-wide Heat Action Day occurs on Wednesday, with Brandenburg's Health Minister Ursula Nonnemacher aiming to enhance workers' safeguard from the heat.

Ursula Nonnemacher speaks.
Ursula Nonnemacher speaks.

The state of the natural world, including its atmosphere, land, oceans, plants and animals. - The Health Minister urges businesses to employ heat safeguards.

During the second nationwide Heat Action Day (June 5th), Health Minister of Brandenburg, Ursula Nonnemacher (Greens) urged companies to emphasize heat protection in the workplace. "As climate change forces higher temperatures, it's crucial to have long-term measures in place to avoid heat damage and health risks," said Nonnemacher in a statement.

She mentioned that many companies often rely on short-term solutions. "For businesses to effectively tackle the challenges of heat at work, implementing long-term methods is necessary," added the minister. Some of these methods include installing ventilation systems, insulating buildings, and shading exteriors. Adjusting workplace organization also helps, such as flexible work hours and remote work. Employee awareness is also crucial in understanding heat risks.

The "Central Network Heat Action Plan Brandenburg" was established by the Brandenburg Health Ministry in June 2023, aiming to bring together relevant stakeholders and create practical heat protection solutions. It ties in with the implementation of the Brandenburg heat action plan report. "Collaboration is crucial for heat protection to succeed," said Frank-Ullrich Schulz, president of the Brandenburg Medical Association, in a press release. The Medical Association is part of the network.

The report states that from 2018 to 2023, there were approximately 1020 heat-related deaths in Brandenburg. The worst year was 2018, with 362 deaths attributed to heat. The Federal Statistical Office counted 51 heat-related deaths for Brandenburg in 2022. That summer, the German Weather Service issued heat warnings on eight days. The elderly, sick, children, pregnant women, and dependent care recipients are most vulnerable to heat.

Several online events are scheduled for Heat Action Day, with a main event set for 2:30pm at Charite University Hospital Berlin. It will showcase various sectors' "Good-Practice" examples, like heat protection in healthcare centers, daycare facilities, and kindergartens. You can attend either in person or online. For more details, visit

Read also:

  1. The state of the environment in Potsdam, a city in Brandenburg, is under scrutiny due to rising temperatures and their impact on health.
  2. Ursula Nonnemacher, the Health Minister of Brandenburg, emphasized the need for heat protection in workplaces, citing the impact of climate change on heat levels.
  3. As part of the efforts to combat heat-related health issues, the Brandenburg Medical Association is collaborating in the "Central Network Heat Action Plan Brandenburg".
  4. To raise awareness about heat protection and promote good practices, several online events are scheduled for Heat Action Day in Berlin, including a main event at Charite University Hospital.
  5. workshops on heat protection in various sectors, such as healthcare centers, daycare facilities, and kindergartens, will be showcased at the Heat Action Day event in Berlin.

