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The Green Party commences a small conference in Potsdam.

Before the upcoming European elections, the Greens' small party gathering commenced in Potsdam on Saturday. In her opening address, the political director of the party, Emily Büning, referred to the "critical elections" approaching this year. She emphasized the importance of "defending...

Flags with the Green Party logo
Flags with the Green Party logo

The Green Party commences a small conference in Potsdam.

A group of around a hundred representatives from regional Green Party associations is set to assemble at the Land Council in Potsdam. Among the planned speakers are party leaders Omid Nouripur and Ricarda Lang, as well as Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck and Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock.

On Deutschlandfunk in the morning, Lang described the upcoming European election as "a critical direction," with the focus on protecting democracy and the environment.

Lately, the Green Youth has urged the parent party to lean leftward. Svenja Appuhn, the Green Youth Federal Spokesperson, penned an article in the "Sueddeutsche Zeitung" on Friday, outlining their demands, such as a higher tax rate on the wealthy and reforming inheritance tax. Co-Spokeswoman Katharina Stolla argued that the current economic system is responsible for creating "continuous inequality," and they've set their sights on a "democratic socialism."

Lang dismissed these demands during her interview on Deutschlandfunk, saying they're "not in line with our positions." She reiterated, "We're focused on creating a social and ecological market economy."

With polls placing the Greens at 14-15% ahead of the European elections on June 9th, they're bracing for substantial losses. In comparison, five years ago, they secured an impressive 20.5% in the same election.

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