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The Green-Black coalition seeks to reduce benefits for pension funds.

The state government led by the Green-Black coalition plans to reduce standard allocations to the pension fund for fresh investments and compel ministries to implement economies on completed projects. This comes after a high-level meeting between the Greens and CDU in Stuttgart on Wednesday...

Baden-Württemberg's Finance Minister Danyal Bayaz speaks at a press conference.
Baden-Württemberg's Finance Minister Danyal Bayaz speaks at a press conference.

Handling monetary matters - The Green-Black coalition seeks to reduce benefits for pension funds.

The Finance Minister's talk of 'strong' and 'sober' solutions in a 'climate-resistant' or 'grandparent-approved' financial strategy is being challenged, according to the SPD state parliamentary group's financial policy spokesperson, Nicolas Fink. His criticism of the plans for the pension fund represents a significant shift from past policies.

For 15 years, the government has been injecting extra funds into the pension fund to support the growing population of retirees. By the end of 2023, the fund's assets were estimated to be about 11.4 billion euros, according to the Finance Ministry. In 2023 alone, 726 million euros were added.

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The Green-Black coalition's proposal to reduce benefits for pension funds has sparked controversy, with the SPD state parliamentary group's financial policy spokesperson, Nicolas Fink, expressing concern. This shift in policy marks a significant departure from the past 15 years, during which the state government consistently injected additional funds into the pension fund to address the needs of an aging populace. By the end of 2023, the pension fund's assets are projected to reach approximately 11.4 billion euros, with an additional 726 million euros added in that year alone. In light of these developments, the CDU in Baden-Württemberg's State government is revising its Savings and Retirement Plan (SWR) to better manage the debt and financial responsibilities of the pension fund.

