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The government channels greater funds towards preserving wildlife and the environment.

In 2023, the Brandenburg state allocated a significant amount for nature and species conservation, spending close to 15 million euros on over 100 projects through the Brandenburg Nature Conservation Fund Foundation. This was announced by Environment Minister Axel Vogel (Greens) in Potsdam. The...

Axel Vogel (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Brandenburger Minister für Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und...
Axel Vogel (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Brandenburger Minister für Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und Klimaschutz, aufgenommen vor der 97. Sitzung des Brandenburger Landtages.

Ecology or Surroundings - The government channels greater funds towards preserving wildlife and the environment.

Last year, the spotlight was on water-related issues, with a total of eleven million euros being allocated to ventures like the rewetting of peatlands or the enhancement of ponds. To combat drought, the organization also emphasized retaining water in the country. By doing so, they aim to boost the health of local ecosystems, according to Vogel.

One captivating initiative is centered around improving the habitat for the river mussel. This fascinating creature serves as a natural filter and water purifier. The plan is to utilize more than eleven million euros from government funds to reinforce the living conditions of this spectacle. This endeavor includes introducing deadwood and gravel into waterways such as the Dosse, Rheinsberger Rhine, and Thymenfließ.

Vogel asserts that the public-legal nature conservation foundation of the state is a fundamental tool for financing conservation projects. Along with these programs, European Union and federal funds often play a role.

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