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The government anticipates a large number of people voting in the upcoming elections.

The Saxon administration anticipates a significant voter turnout in the approaching elections to the European Parliament and for local offices in the Free State. Ministry-President Michael Kretschmer (CDU) expressed his appreciation for electoral endorsements received from initiatives, clubs,...

A ballot paper is thrown into a ballot box.
A ballot paper is thrown into a ballot box.

Government Office - The government anticipates a large number of people voting in the upcoming elections.

Kretschmer denounced opponents of democracy for making absolute statements about their views and refusing to consider others' perspectives. He implored anyone eligible to vote in the election to do so. "By casting your ballot, you place the fate of your community into your own hands and cannot later complain that others made the wrong choice."

Similarly, Interior Minister Armin Schuster (CDU) pushed for a high voter turnout. "This Sunday, it's critical to express your stance; it's about your commune's future. Boost your local council with your vote - this position requires a lot and is crucial for harmonious coexistence within our cities and towns." The same is true for the European election: "Although Brussels may seem distant, the decisions made there impact our lives at home."

In Saxony, ten district councilors, 418 municipal and community council members, and approximately 855 local council members will be elected on Sunday. In Dresden, ten district councilors will be elected for the next seven years. Their terms will conclude in 2029. Additionally, mayors will be chosen in Niederwürschnitz and Schkeuditz for the next seven years.

A total of 96 European Parliament representatives will be elected from Germany. Germany has the highest number of seats. For the European election, the voting age is sixteen. For the local election in Saxony, voters must be eighteen or older.

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