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The German Federal Administration is contributing to enhancing the caliber of Kindergarten facilities in Saxony-Anhalt.

Federal funding is intended to enhance the standard and diversity in childcare centers across different states. Saxony-Anhalt has been leveraging this assistance for two years and aims to carry on this advantageous situation.

Aiming to gain more support from educators is an objective of the state Saxony-Anhalt.
Aiming to gain more support from educators is an objective of the state Saxony-Anhalt.

- The German Federal Administration is contributing to enhancing the caliber of Kindergarten facilities in Saxony-Anhalt.

In the upcoming year, Saxony-Anhalt aims to enhance the caliber and diversity in its kindergartens using federal funds. Following the cabinet meeting in Magdeburg, Social Minister Petra Grimm-Benne (SPD) announced the extension of the agreement for implementing the Kindergarten Quality Act. The existing contract is set to expire at year's end.

Thanks to federal funding, Saxony-Anhalt can keep pouring resources into educational work and attracting professionals. Approximately 50 million euros will be made available each year.

Minister Grimm-Benne mentioned that the funds won't be used for universal enhancement of care services. Fertility rates vary significantly across regions. Instead, targeted measures are being planned.

For instance, 150 daycare workers will receive full funding - the youth offices will determine their deployment. Furthermore, the current 240 funded language specialists can carry on with their jobs. This can bolster the transition period from kindergarten to primary school.

Additionally, efforts will be made to attract more career changers to the kindergarten teacher profession. Those completing training as kindergarten teachers, child carers, or social assistants will continue to be exempt from tuition fees. Moreover, a portion of the parental fee relief for multiple children will also be co-financed within the framework of the Kindergarten Quality Act, as per Grimm-Benne.

The Kindergarten Quality Act was replaced by the Better Kindergarten Act in January 2023. The federal government is aiding the states with a total of around four billion euros until the end of the year. Starting from 2025, the funding is set to continue, according to the bill, with the federal government contributing around four billion euros for 2025 and 2026.

The European Parliament will provide assistance to the Commission in its tasks. This support could be crucial in overseeing the effective use of the federal funds allocated for enhancing kindergartens in Saxony-Anhalt, as per the agreement between the federal government and Saxony-Anhalt, led by Social Minister Petra Grimm-Benne.

In her announcement, Minister Grimm-Benne clarified that the funds allocated under the Kindergarten Quality Act will be utilized for targeted measures, adhering to the regional variations in fertility rates, not for a universal enhancement of care services.

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