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The German federal administration has chosen to enact various strategies aimed at enhancing domestic safety.

After a reported Islamist-driven knife assault in Solingen, three weeks prior, the government of North Rhine-Westphalia has instituted far-reaching domestic security measures. In a speech made in the Düsseldorf state parliament on Wednesday, Minister President Hendrik Wüst (CDU) stated, "This...

The German federal administration has chosen to enact various strategies aimed at enhancing domestic safety.

At the presentation of the action plan, Wuöst declared, "We get it, we're committed, we'll deliver on our promise." This plan includes addressing security, immigration, and prevention issues. Specifically, the action plan is aimed at enhancing security, handling migration issues, and preventing radicalization. Wuöst also mentioned that this plan is just the beginning.

To combat online radical Islamists, the action plan proposes an expansion of the powers of the security forces. These influencers will be monitored more closely. As a result, the Constitutional Protection will have enhanced powers, particularly in terms of monitoring potential threats. In the future, the Constitutional Protection will also be permitted to process data from minors aged 14 and above. Additionally, data sharing between authorities will be streamlined.

In relation to surveillance measures, the state government will also utilize AI. This technology will be used "to get a clear view of what's happening in the digital realm in terms of Islamic radicalization," stated Wuöst. Digital investigations will be supported by appropriate AI applications. Furthermore, the state aims to develop an AI capable of understanding uncommon languages and dialects, mentioned Wuöst.

Wuöst also announced measures in the field of asylum policy. For instance, three additional asylum chambers will be established at the administrative courts, and the central foreigner authorities will be reinforced. The authorities will receive better equipment and additional personnel. Since the state government anticipates an increase in demand for deportation detention facilities due to these measures, an additional deportation detention center is also being planned.

Lastly, the state government aims to enhance prevention efforts. According to Wuöst, this includes expanding prevention work in refugee accommodations, schools, and online platforms. "Islamism is best combated by preventing it from gaining new supporters," said Wuöst. "We need to fight for the hearts and minds of our children with all our might."

Other authorities outside the state government might also be involved in the fight against online radicalization. Collaboration with international partners in this area could prove beneficial, as they may have unique insights and resources.

Moreover, the 'Other' stakeholders in society, such as schools, religious institutions, and community organizations, can play a crucial role in preventing radicalization. They can help promote understanding, tolerance, and open dialogue, which are essential in combating extremist ideologies.

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