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The G7 along with other partners condemn North Korea's weaponry shipments to support Russia's conflict in Ukraine.

The foreign ministers from G7 countries and their allies have collectively criticized North Korea's arms shipments to Russia, which are supporting the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Lead by Germany's Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock from the Greens, her counterparts from nine other nations...

Missile test in North Korea
Missile test in North Korea

The G7 along with other partners condemn North Korea's weaponry shipments to support Russia's conflict in Ukraine.

The foreign ministers of the seven major industrial countries - the US, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Canada, and Japan, along with Australia, New Zealand, and South Korea - have strongly condemned the ongoing transfer of weapons Russia has been using to target Ukraine's critical infrastructure. They emphasized that these arms shipments are only prolonging the suffering of the Ukrainian people.

In a joint statement from the German Foreign Office and the Italian G7 Presidency, these officials emphasized that Russia's weapons deliveries to North Korea are "clear violations" of various resolutions passed by the United Nations Security Council. The ministers also criticized Russia for using its veto power to block a UN resolution that would allow a group of experts to provide "objective and independent information" needed for the implementation of binding Security Council resolutions against North Korea.

Previously, an investigation by the US Department of Defense discovered that Russia was using North Korean ballistic missiles in Ukraine. According to a report from the Pentagon's military intelligence agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), fragments of these missiles have been found across Ukraine. By comparing photographs taken at the scene with photographs from North Korean state media, it was deduced that, for example, debris found in the northeastern Ukrainian region of Kharkiv in January came from a North Korean short-range ballistic missile.

South Korea has accused North Korea of sending thousands of containers filled with ammunition to Russia, thus breaking existing UN sanctions. Earlier this month, the powerful sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un dismissed these claims as "absurd." However, experts suspect that the recent North Korean rocket tests may have involved weapons being tested for use in Ukraine.

Simultaneously, North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un oversaw the simultaneous launch of what appeared to be 18 missiles from a rocket launcher, according to the country's official news agency KCNA. The missiles reportedly hit a target 365 kilometers away on an island.

KCNA also reported that the weapons tests demonstrated that North Korea "will never hesitate to launch a preventive strike under the pretext of self-defense." Experts believe that North Korea is intensively testing artillery and cruise missiles and increasing their production to supply them to Russia.

In recent months, North Korea and Russia have been strengthening their ties. Kim visited Russia last year, and this month the Kremlin announced that a reciprocal visit by Russian President Putin to North Korea is being prepared.

Meanwhile, relations between North and South Korea have reached their lowest point. The G7 foreign ministers and their colleagues called on Pyongyang "to immediately" undertake "concrete measures to completely, verifiably, and irreversibly abandon all nuclear weapons, ballistic missiles, and related programs" and "accept the various offers of diplomacy."

Read also:

  1. The G7, along with South Korea, Australia, and other partners, criticized North Korea's armaments delivery to Russia, which is aiding Russia's conflict in Ukraine.
  2. Germany, in collaboration with Italy as the G7 presidency, condemned Russia's use of North Korean weapons in Ukraine, violating UN Security Council resolutions.
  3. Annalena Baerbock, Germany's foreign minister, highlighted that these actions are prolonging the suffering of the Ukrainian people and undermining global security.
  4. Industrialized countries such as the USA, Great Britain, and Japan joined the chorus of condemnation, emphasizing the need for accountability.
  5. The G7 foreign ministers called on North Korea to cease violating UN sanctions by delivering weapons to Russia, threatening peace and stability.
  6. The US Department of Defense has reported evidence of Russian usage of North Korean ballistic missiles in Ukraine, raising serious concerns.
  7. North Korea, under Kim Jong-un's leadership, has been testing advanced weapons, potentially destined for use in Ukraine.
  8. Canada and New Zealand, G7 partners, have joined in condemning North Korea's actions and supporting diplomatic resolution to the Ukraine war.
  9. The increasing tactical cooperation between North Korea and Russia has international observers on high alert, dangerously escalating tensions.
  10. As the Ukraine war enters its eighth year, calls for de-escalation and disarmament have become more pressing than ever before.
  11. The Berlin-based foreign ministry continues to monitor this situation closely, advocating for strict adherence to international law and security.
  12. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine highlights the importance of global cooperation and diplomatic pressures to maintain peace and avoid wider-ranging military conflicts.

