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The flood scenario stays worrisome: Further showers predicted

The floods in Bavaria persist, with people still missing and regions still submerged. The sunny weather has yet to bring a sense of relief or an end to the disaster.

The Danube flows alongside the houses in the old town.
The Danube flows alongside the houses in the old town.

Weather system inflicting havoc on locations. - The flood scenario stays worrisome: Further showers predicted

In Bavaria, emergency responders have been battling floods for days, with people still unaccounted for. Despite the sun's deceptive appearance, the situation on the Danube between Kelheim and Passau remained dire on Thursday, with the highest alert level 4 still in effect. The flood warning service reported that water levels were only gradually receding.

Regensburg is an area of significant concern. Both the Swabian and Upper Bavarian districts are far from returning to normal. A total of six people have lost their lives to the floods so far, four of whom were from Bavaria. The Bavarian Interior Ministry reports that three people are still missing.

More rain on the horizon

The German Weather Service (DWD) has warned of heavy rainfall in southern Bavaria. According to their models, rainfall could reach up to 60 liters per square meter from Saturday evening to Monday morning. However, the exact locations of this rainfall remain unclear. DWD meteorologist Dirk Mewes informed the German Press Agency of these forecasts on Thursday.

Relief for flood victims

Applications for emergency aid from flood-affected areas have already been filed, and the Bavarian state government has pledged to process them as quickly and efficiently as possible. The state government received parliamentary approval for up to 100 million euros in aid on Thursday.

Truck driving bans in Bavaria have been temporarily suspended until the end of July to aid in relief efforts and supply the population. Rescue, relief, and cleanup work will all be supported by the suspension of certain truck driving bans, Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) stated.

Cautious optimism in Regensburg

In the Werftstraße of Regensburg, the city halted efforts to pump water from the area back into the Danube on Wednesday. Fearing that the ground could give way, and protective elements could slide off, the water was allowed to spill into the street. This approach has thus far prevented the road and barriers from collapsing.

Both the Danube's level and the groundwater are still receding only slowly. On Friday morning, the city administration announced that those from Werftstraße could return to their homes from 2 p.m. However, the road would remain closed to cyclists and motor vehicles for the moment.

Life goes on in Regensburg's Old Town

In other areas of Regensburg's Old Town, there was an air of normalcy. People seemed accustomed to seeing barriers and protective screens throughout the area. Many people were out and about in street cafes or strolling across the Stone Bridge, watching the furious brown Donau water rush loudly below. The Historical Sausage Kitchen, a popular attraction, remained closed.

An appeal for reason: Deiches are not party zones

In Straubing, about 45 kilometers downstream, protective measures remained in place. The city administration cautioned citizens to be cautious and patient, as high groundwater levels could cause damage to basement rooms. The statement read, "A high groundwater level can lead to water seeping into basement rooms."

Appeal to the Reason of Citizens: Deiches are not party zones

In Straubing, about 45 kilometers downstream, protective measures remained in place. The city administration cautioned citizens to be cautious and patient, as high groundwater levels could cause damage to basement rooms. The statement read, "A high groundwater level can lead to water seeping into basement rooms."

District administrator Bernd Sibler (CSU) from the Deggendorf district reported stable dikes and a gradually receding flood wave on Wednesday. He expressed his hope that people would exercise common sense: Deiches are "not party zones." Time and again, he pointed out, careless individuals create unnecessary work for emergency services, such as by paddling through flood-affected areas with canoes.

Passau: gradual progress on water levels

In Passau, further downstream on the Danube and Inn, water levels were slowly subsiding, though they remained high. Mayor Jürgen Dupper (SPD) expressed optimism for the future: "The next few days will be all about cleanup work." However, he also reminded the public to remain patient as schools and kindergartens in the Old Town were scheduled to reopen on Thursday.

Train traffic returns to normal

Long-distance trains on major lines in Bavaria returned to normal operations on Thursday. As of the current operational situation, there were no flood-related restrictions on the Ulm-Augsburg-Munich and Donauwörth-Augsburg routes.

The search for a missing firefighter

The search for a firefighter who capsized in his boat during a flood rescue operation in Offingen on Sunday continued. Two other individuals were also reported missing by the Interior Ministry on Thursday.

During flood cleanup efforts in Baar-Ebenhausen, eight individuals suffered minor injuries after being exposed to an unidentified substance. On Thursday, the affected individuals experienced mild respiratory issues following contact with the unknown material on a private property. Among the injured were three firefighters. It is believed that the substance was released when draining a cellar.

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