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The FDP election campaign's closing event was disturbed by protestors.

In Düsseldorf, European elections take place on Sunday. FDP head Lindner and star candidate Strack-Zimmermann are striving for the campaign's decisive phase, while confronting disruptions from some voters.

A poster with a caricature showing Strack-Zimmermann (FDP).
A poster with a caricature showing Strack-Zimmermann (FDP).

Düsseldorf refers to a city in Germany. - The FDP election campaign's closing event was disturbed by protestors.

A week before the European election in Düsseldorf, The FDP's campaign was continuously disrupted by protesters. During the speeches of the party's top candidate, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, as well as its chairman, Christian Lindner, on Thursday, they faced constant interruptions, whistling, and megaphones. Several demonstrators had to be escorted away by the authorities.

Despite the distruptions, Strack-Zimmermann repeatedly spoke to the protesters, who were protesting for peace and against weapons deals, stating, "This isn't about freedom of speech or a culture of debate. They're only here to annoy." It was worrying that she needed a police and BKA escort during her campaign, "because these people are trying to disrupt and intimidate me."

Lindner also voiced his disapproval of the protesters, loudly proclaiming: "Why are you protesting here? Go to Moscow and protest there. But because you can't protest in Moscow, you should understand that you're on the wrong side of history."

Strack-Zimmermann and Lindner highlighted the critical nature of the European election and the battle against far-right parties on Sunday. "Five years ago, the European election was important. This year it's existential, as we can only defend peace, freedom, and prosperity jointly," said Lindner. The top candidate, Strack-Zimmermann, emphasized: "Europe is a priceless entity that needs to be safeguarded. May the enemies who want to destroy this Europe never succeed. Please go and vote."

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