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The FDP demands modifications for stores devoid of staff.

Investigating potential changes in Saxony-Anhalt that would allow purchasing butter and bread rolls at petrol stations on Sundays in larger stores with staff.

Passers-by walk through a pedestrian zone.
Passers-by walk through a pedestrian zone.

Legislative faction - The FDP demands modifications for stores devoid of staff.

The state parliamentary group of the Free Democratic Party (FDP) is advocating for legislative changes in relation to self-service stores operating without staff. The FDP's lead representative, Andreas Silbersack, expressed their desire to discuss these alterations with their coalition partners, hoping for an urgent implementation. He emphasized the need to amend the Shop Opening Hours Act, enabling Sunday openings for self-service stores without staff deployment.

Early this year, the State Administration Office issued a directive to the trade authorities, mandating that 24/7 self-service stores close at 8 p.m. on Saturdays and remain shut all day on Sundays. Stores like those in Wörlitz (Wittenberg district) and Görzig (Anhalt-Bitterfeld district), which operate round-the-clock with customer cards, are impacted by this order.

Silbersack recently visited Görzig and observed a bustling crowd on Sundays. He noted that there was no staff present, but the patrons still greeted each other cordially and conversed politely. He explained that these shops provide a valuable opportunity for people in rural areas to shop locally. "In some stores, people are packed like sardines. It felt like I was in the mall in Dubai," he said, comparing it to his experience at the Halle train station's self-service stores on Sundays.

The Ministry of Economics in Magdeburg supports revisions to the Shop Opening Hours Act. This law, it is stated, serves two purposes: safeguarding employees from working on Sundays and holidays, and protecting Sundays and holidays themselves. A spokesperson for Minister Sven Schulze (CDU) clarified that the personnel protection goal is irrelevant for staff-free shops on Sundays. However, the elimination of Sunday openings does not remove the objective of safeguarding Sundays and holidays. They are currently examining if it's feasible to allow Sunday openings for minor shops in rural areas, though with restrictions.

The Social Democratic Party (SPD) is also receptive to these proposals. Faction leader Katja Pähle acknowledged the need for reform but questioned if a state law adjustment would suffice. She referenced multiple court rulings concerning the protection of Sundays and holidays. What matters, she asserted, is that the store openings are confined to those capable of operating on Sundays without employees. Pähle concluded by stating that preserving Sunday rest is crucial, ensuring that shops remain closed to uphold the sanctity of the day. "I don't want it to become the norm for someone to work behind the counter or to clear shelves on Sundays. There should be limits to this."

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