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The fate of the abandoned vessel on Norderney remains uncertain.

In autumn, an unusually modified sailing boat became stranded on the island of Norderney. Despite attempts to leave, it has remained stuck there. The captain now provides his reasons.

A sailing ship stranded on the western beach of the island of Norderney.
A sailing ship stranded on the western beach of the island of Norderney.

Transporting goods by sea. - The fate of the abandoned vessel on Norderney remains uncertain.

Approximately half a year passed since a mysteriously altered sailboat found itself stranded on Norderney, and the boat remains stuck on the North Sea island, as reported by a local newspaper. After its rescue from the shore in November, the boat has been stationary in a harbor-bound area - it hasn't set sail yet.

In an interview with the "Ostfriesen-Zeitung," the boat's skipper explained their frustrations. He said, "EVERYONE wants something from me, and I have to meet specific conditions before I can do anything." The captain, who wished to remain anonymous in the article, added that the ordeal has left him feeling exhausted.

During the beginning of November, the uniquely designed and already dubbed as a "Ghost Ship" by tourists, sailboat raised eyebrows on the North Sea island. The roughly 70-year-old commander steered his non-steerable, primarily homemade vessel onto the western coast of the island. Hordes of interested tourists gathered to witness the unique craft. The locals assisted with the recovery process and even raised funds to help the skipper.

At first, the plan was to transport the boat off of the island using a low loader and a cargo ship. However, these efforts have been ineffective so far.

The captain aspires for a new mooring in the Netherlands, according to the report. "I don't wish to anchor in any German port once more, but in the Netherlands," he told the newspaper. However, it is still uncertain how the boat will leave the island.

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