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The fan festival in Hamburg commences with the initial match of the European Championships.

The eagerly anticipated European Football Championship begins tonight in Germany. It remains to be seen if it will bring another "summer fairytale" of victory, beyond simply relying on favorable weather conditions.

Soccer fans watch the 2014 World Cup final between Germany and Argentina at Heiligengeistfeld.
Soccer fans watch the 2014 World Cup final between Germany and Argentina at Heiligengeistfeld.

At Heiligengeistfeld, the kickoff event for the European Football Championship takes place on Friday night (9pm) during the match between Germany and Scotland at the Hamburg Fanfest. There, you can watch every game featuring the German National Team, as well as the five matches in Hamburg's Volksparkstadion and all knockout round matches, courtesy of a massive 100 square meter screen. In the Fanzone area, all 51 games will be displayed live on multiple monitors. The opening hours will vary depending on the day's specific match schedule. The event continues up until 11:30pm, with an additional 30 minutes of post-match time extending the event if needed.

To get things started, the rock band Madsen will perform their newest album, "Hollywood," on the Event Stage at 6:30pm. The night's proceedings will be hosted by NDR's Yared Dibaba. In addition to numerous screens, a beach club with loungers is offered for relaxation, a giant Ferris wheel provides panoramic views of the event, and a wide range of food and beverages awaits you in the Fanzone.

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