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The executive committee of AfD desires Bergmüller's removal from the party.

The Bavarian AfD initiates removal of its parliament member Franz Bergmüller. Exclusionary actions commence considering the failure to pay membership dues for representative members. Stephan Protschka, leader of the state party, verifies this to Deutsche Presse-Agentur on Thursday, with...

Franz Bergmüller, member of the AfD parliamentary group in the Bavarian state parliament.
Franz Bergmüller, member of the AfD parliamentary group in the Bavarian state parliament.

Tax imposed on elected officials - The executive committee of AfD desires Bergmüller's removal from the party.

In party law, there's a rule called the "mandate representative contribution." This rule states that elected officials must hand over a portion of their income from their mandate and give it to their party.

Bergmüller, once the deputy chairman, is now seen as an outsider in the right-leaning AfD state parliamentary group. He's known for fighting for the interests of gastronomy and the middle class.

If Bergmüller were to be expelled from the party, it could have significant repercussions for the power dynamics in the state parliament. At the moment, the AfD holds a slim lead as the biggest opposition faction, which includes advantages like deciding who speaks first, for example. If Bergmüller were to leave the AfD and its faction, the AfD could lose this position.

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