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The EU Parliament approves second term for von der Leyen

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen faces the final hurdle for a second term on Thursday: The European Parliament votes in Strasbourg on whether the CDU politician can continue in the role for another five years (from 13.00 hours). Von der Leyen largely relies on the support of her...

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen

The EU Parliament approves second term for von der Leyen

Due to deviations within her own faction, Leyen has been seeking votes in the past few weeks to secure the necessary absolute majority of 361 votes. In return, other parties expect concessions in the next commission's work program, which Leyen presents to the deputies before her election. The Greens demand commitments on climate protection, while the FDP is calling for a rejection of new European community debts.

Leyen, being from the European People's Party, which is part of the larger European People's Party in the European Parliament, has been actively seeking votes in Strasbourg, the seat of the European Parliament, to secure the absolute majority of 361 votes required for her term of office as the President of the European Commission. The Christian Democrats of Germany (CDU) have been crucial supporters in her bid for the presidency. Following her election, Layen is expected to lay down her plans for the commission's work program in the European Parliament, including addressing climate protection as demanded by the Greens and managing the budget, which may involve opinions on new European community debts, as requested by the Free Democratic Party (FDP).

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