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The enumeration process for inhabitants in Halle has commenced.

In an effort to avert substantial financial deficits, the city is initiating a headcount of its populace. The initial notifications have already been dispatched.

Halle initiates its population census.
Halle initiates its population census.

- The enumeration process for inhabitants in Halle has commenced.

Folks in Halle will discover a letter in their mailbox commencing Tuesday, mainly for estimating the city's inhabitants count. The process will commence on Tuesday, as confirmed by a city representative upon query. The strategy involves penning down to the residents listed in the registration office with a primary residence, to get a "realistically precise figure" of registered individuals and those physically residing in Halle. This raises some queries over the 2022 census.

As per the census numbers, merely 226,586 individuals inhabit Halle - which is roughly six percent less than previously speculated. Nonetheless, the registration office records 243,453 residents. If the census data's lower numbers are confirmed, the city could potentially face annual revenue shortfalls of approximately 15 million euros.

The city's decision to conduct a revised count could significantly impact the financial sector, as any changes in the estimated population might influence tax revenues and funding allocations. The financial sector closely monitors population demographics in cities like Halle to make informed investment decisions.

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