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The election outcome in Saxony undergoes revision: a single seat decreases for the CDU and AfD

In a correction announced on Monday in Kamenz, the state election commissioner Martin Richter revealed that the initial seat allocations in Saxony's recent state election were inaccurate. As a result, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and Alternative for Germany (AfD) each lost one seat,...

The election outcome in Saxony undergoes revision: a single seat decreases for the CDU and AfD

The CDU snags 41 seats in the freshly minted state parliament, while the AfD grabs 40. This shift eliminates the AfD's alleged blockading minority, a tool that could've impeded laws in the state parliament requiring a two-thirds majority vote.

The SPD earns their way into parliament with ten seats, the Greens secure seven, and the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) enters with 15 members. The Left Party settles with six seats, and the Free Voters claim their sole seat through a direct mandate.

The portal earlier flagged an issue with the count. They reported a discrepancy in the distribution of seats calculated via the Sainte-Laguë method, a novel approach adopted for the first time in the Sunday Saxon state election.

In the Saxon state election held on Sunday, the CDU, led by Minister President Michael Kretschmer, held the top spot, edging out the AfD by a hair's breadth. In order to maintain control of the government, the CDU would need to forge alliances with the BSW and the SPD.

The CDU and the SPD are two political parties that earned seats in the Saxon state parliament, with the CDU securing 41 seats and the SPD obtaining 10.The AfD, despite grabbing 40 seats, will no longer be able to use their alleged blockading minority due to the shift in seats in the state parliament.

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