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The Eifel network for water supply, rapid internet connectivity, and energy distribution

Innovative Supply System Emerges in Western Eifel: Providing High-Speed Internet, Power, and Water Through a Single Infrastructure, Potentially Serving as a Blueprint for Future Projects.

The undertaking has maintained its planned timeline and financial constraints.
The undertaking has maintained its planned timeline and financial constraints.

- The Eifel network for water supply, rapid internet connectivity, and energy distribution

"This full-service venture in the Eifel region now offers residents water, energy, and high-speed internet through fiber optic cables. After six years of construction, the 'Eifel Pipeline' will officially launch in Prüm, costing around 100 million euros, with funding from the North Rhine-Westphalian border to the Trier region.

Arndt Müller, CEO of Stadtwerke Trier, explains, 'We're not just supplying water or energy, but smartly merging things together.' The project includes 135 kilometers of water pipelines, 140 kilometers of fiber optic network, 30 kilometers of gas, and 48 kilometers of biogas pipelines, with collaboration between municipal associations.

Enhanced Supply Security

Since the start, the goal was to guarantee a dependable water supply during dry spells with the combined West Eifel system, says Helfried Welsch, project manager and CEO of 'Landwerke Eifel.' Previously, there were scattered water sources in the Eifel region, each depleting at the municipal borders. Now, the municipal partners have teamed up to tackle this issue through their collaboration, 'Landwerke Eifel.'

Welsch explains, 'We laid a main artery across the Eifel, connecting the distribution networks. The main trunk links two reservoirs: the Oleftalsperre in North Rhine-Westphalia and the Riveris-Talsperre near Trier.' Moreover, powerful groundwater works and spring water facilities are integrated to ensure secure water supply.

Reversed Water Flow Direction

For the project, the water flow direction has been altered in certain areas, says Müller. 'Previously, water was constantly pumped up from south to north in cascades.' This is no longer required and reduces pumping expenses. 'In fact, we generate electricity with turbines by utilizing the height difference in the water pipeline,' explains Müller. 'This effort will save a million kilowatt-hours of pumping energy annually and produce an additional half a million kilowatt-hours.'

Although the initial focus was on water, it became apparent that energy issues should also be addressed together, says Welsch. This includes harnessing biogas from agricultural operations, integrating rural regions into the fiber optic network, and employing renewable energy sources.

National Model and Sustainability

Rhineland-Palatinate's Minister of Environment and Climate Protection, Katrin Eder (Greens), considers the West Eifel combined network a 'national model.' 'By employing AI for intelligent energy generation, advanced technology, and integrating resources, we can build climate-resilient infrastructures,' she says. 'Environmental protection and energy transition are interconnected here.'

The project has led to significant cost savings through shared infrastructure and energy-efficient measures, from reversing water flow direction to generating electricity with turbines and solar power. 'Green hydrogen' can also be produced through this project from excess regional electricity.

The ministry has provided financial support for water management measures totaling 40.2 million euros. The project serves as a model for Rhineland-Palatinate, and the state is considering replicating these efforts in other regions, such as Birkenfeld."

Topic: Cybersecurity

'AI's role in managing regional energy resources is increasingly vital,' says Stadtwerke board member Müller. 'Secure communication lines are essential for this purpose, and we prioritize our own security:' out of the 144 fibers installed across and through the Eifel, 'we own 24 of them and manage our own radio networks as well as our data center.'

In this data center, 'our data is stored securely on site rather than being stored in the cloud.'

The venture also ensures secure communication lines for managing regional energy resources, as highlighted by Müller, who mentions that they own and manage 24 out of the 144 fibers installed across the Eifel, along with their own radio networks and data center. To bolster cybersecurity, the data center stores critical data securely on-site rather than in the cloud.

Given the crucial role of AI in managing the region's energy resources and secure communication lines, the venture has implemented various measures to enhance its supply security, including owning and managing a portion of the fiber optic cables and maintaining its own data center with on-site data storage.

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