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The education committee has paved the way for improved childcare.

After discussions between the Left, SPD, Greens, and CDU, the Education Committee has given its support for revisions to the Childcare Law. The state legislature needs to grant its consent, but progress may accelerate now.

A checkroom in a daycare center.
A checkroom in a daycare center.

Learning Process - The education committee has paved the way for improved childcare.

Following the accord between the Red-Red-Green alliance and the CDU, the Kindergarten Law's compromise also made its way through the Education Committee. The committee's chairperson, Torsten Wolf (Left), confirmed this on Tuesday in response to a query. The law is expected to be tackled in the state legislature this week and potentially get approved.

The anticipated modifications will enhance childcare in these establishments. A caregiver will be responsible for fewer children concurrently going forward. The staff-to-child ratio for kids aged one to three ought to be raised to one to six, and for kids older than three, it should be unified at one to twelve. Unions and associations have long been advocating for this move.

Here's the link to the invitation: [link]

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The Education Committee, which includes representatives from various political parties such as CDU and SPD, has played a crucial role in the development of the Kindergarten Law. This law, once passed in Parliament, is expected to significantly improve childcare facilities in Thuringia, particularly in Erfurt. The CDU's Thuringia state leader, Mr. Wolf, has been leading the committee and has confirmed their support for the proposed changes. These changes include reducing the number of children a caregiver is responsible for and increasing the staff-to-child ratios, initiatives that have been long advocated for by unions and associations.

