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The DRK urges improvements in water rescue equipment at a state level.

Number of natural disasters requiring aid, DRK volunteers responding but in need of more funds for adequate technology and tools.

The logo and lettering of the German Red Cross can be read on an emergency vehicle.
The logo and lettering of the German Red Cross can be read on an emergency vehicle.

Emergency preparedness. - The DRK urges improvements in water rescue equipment at a state level.

The German Red Cross in Saxony-Anhalt is urging for more financial support towards disaster management. While the region has generally been spared from major weather-related events, authorities are concerned about the increasing frequency of extreme weather situations in the future, including intense rainfall. Roland Halang, the president of the regional DRK branch, expressed the necessity of being prepared, stating, "As a relief organization, we need to be able to respond promptly and accurately in the event of a disaster. This involves having access to the necessary equipment, especially for emergency services, water rescue, and water rescue operations."

Currently, the DRK in Saxony-Anhalt is reported to be missing several essential resources. The organization suffers from a shortage of standardized equipment for water and flood rescue, lacks diving rescue equipment and boats suitable for both rescue and multifunctional purposes during floods. Recently, only six standardized water rescue vehicles have been distributed to the 14 districts and free cities in the region. The state directive for disaster management in Saxony-Anhalt calls for each separate district and free city to have access to such vehicles.

The DRK Saxony-Anhalt branch employs approximately 7,000 people and volunteers, as well as an additional 6,100 volunteers.

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