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The digital registration certificate is not yet a big hit

People often complain about how slowly the Senate is progressing with the digitalization of services. However, the services are not always used. This includes the new registration certificate.

Martina Klement, State Secretary for Administrative Modernization in Berlin, in the Rotes
Martina Klement, State Secretary for Administrative Modernization in Berlin, in the Rotes Rathaus.

Administration - The digital registration certificate is not yet a big hit

Some of the online services offered by Berlin's citizens' offices are hardly used. According to Martina Klement, the State Secretary responsible for administrative modernization, this is mainly due to the fact that they are little known. One example is the digital registration certificate, which was only launched at the beginning of November. "In the first few weeks, around 1,000 free digital registration certificates were issued," Klement told the German Press Agency. "In the same period, however, there were around five times as many people who still went to the citizens' registration office for the registration certificate - even though you have to pay for the same service there."

Many Berliners come to the Bürgeramt for their registration certificate

From Klement's point of view, the realization remains: "Although it works online and is even free of charge, many citizens still use the analogue service." She hopes that this will change significantly in 2024. "Our goal is a rate of 60 to 80 percent."

Klement(CSU), who is also the Senate's Chief Digital Officer and is tasked with driving forward the modernization of the administration, takes a sober view: "Obviously, many of our online services are still not well enough known." One striking example of this is vehicle registration and re-registration. "Since September, this has been possible online for all private individuals and tradespeople for every vehicle built in 2018 or later," said Klement. "The sticker is even sent to your home after the online process."

Online services should be made better known

Nevertheless, far too few people are still using this service. "Most recently, the rate was only around 20 percent." The aim is to make the online services better known. "We will also ensure that the services are easier to find online."

Berlin has also developed the digital registration certificate for subsequent use in other federal states. Preparations for this are currently underway. "As things stand, the digital registration certificate will be available for subsequent use from the first quarter of 2024," said Klement. "We have already received signals from numerous federal states and municipalities that they want to use it."

Registration and re-registration to go digital soon

The digital registration and re-registration of residences, on the other hand, is not being developed by Berlin, but by Hamburg, and is gradually being expanded. "Since the beginning of November, the Hamburg solution has made it possible to upload the landlord's certificate of residence digitally," said Klement. The entire registration process can now be carried out online.

"That's why we started preparations for the implementation of the registration process in Berlin in November and are right on schedule so far," said the State Secretary. "As things stand, we will be able to start with the first groups of people in the first quarter of 2024 - single households will probably be the first to be able to register and re-register."

As singles move to Berlin or re-register within the city particularly frequently, Klement is hoping for a noticeable effect for the citizens' registration offices. "Registering and reregistering your place of residence is one of the most common reasons for visiting a citizens' office - around one in four citizens' office appointments is related to this," she said. "This could therefore really boost digitalization in Berlin." She is confident that the service can be made available to all groups of people in the first half of the year.

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