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The decrease in fatalities observed in Lower Saxony.

In 2023, there was a decrease in fatalities reported in Lower Saxony when compared to the preceding year, despite certain mortality rates holding steady.

- The decrease in fatalities observed in Lower Saxony.

The mortality rate dropped in Lower Saxony the previous year. According to the State Statistical Office, 105,071 individuals passed away in this federal state in 2023, which is a decrease of 3,336 individuals or 3.1% compared to 2022.

The demise was almost equally split between males and females. Most men breathed their last at the age of 84, while the majority of women did so at the age of 89.

Among the deceased, 246 individuals (previously 249) were under a year old. The majority of these deaths occurred within the first week of life. The boy:girl ratio was 137:109, respectively.

Contrastingly, there were 37,909 fewer births than deceased individuals in the previous year. Since the initiation of data collection in 1972, 1992 and 1997 remain the only years with more births than deaths.

The decline in mortality rate led to a lower number of deaths recorded in the statistics for 2023. Analysing the statistics, the decrease in deaths was significantly higher among individuals under a year old.

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