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The Danube River in Passau surpasses the nine-meter level.

On Tuesday night, the Danube's water level in Passau surpassed the 9-meter threshold, reaching 9.27 meters at 3 a.m., the flood information service (HND) announced. The previous evening, the water level was noted to be at 8.83 meters. The HND expects the peak to occur on Tuesday afternoon at...

A riverside road is flooded.
A riverside road is flooded.

Torrential downpour leads to widespread flooding in the area. - The Danube River in Passau surpasses the nine-meter level.

When the water level hits 8.50 meters, more built-up areas in Passau will be submerged. This level was attained in the afternoon on Montagnachmittag.

Water Level in Passau/Danube - HND

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Despite the stormy weather in Bavaria, the water level in the Danube River in Passau continues to rise, approaching the 9-meter mark. This could lead to further flood damage in the historic city of Passau, as additional built-up areas might be submerged. Despite the drop in flooding, the aftermath of the extreme water levels still poses a challenge, with high water levels persisting in the Danube River.

