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The cruise sector responds to AfD's "deportation schedule."

Cruise line companies disapprove: The Brandenburg AfD parliamentary group has showcased their vessels in a calendar, along with demands for deportation. Legal steps have been initiated.

The Bremerhaven cruise terminal at Columbuskaje.
The Bremerhaven cruise terminal at Columbuskaje.

International cruise companies are taking legal action against a calendar created by the AfD city council faction in Senftenberg, a town in south Brandenburg. The calendar, titled "The most beautiful deportation ships," features images of cruise ships with the companies' logos clearly visible. AfD local politicians used slogans like "Right to a homeland. We also bring them back" and "Holiday at home, but without a return ticket" over the ship motifs.

The CEO of the German branch of the International Cruise Line Association (CLIA), Georg Ehrmann, stated on Tuesday in Hamburg that the AfD had been asked to stop distributing the calendar. If the calendar remains in circulation, a preliminary injunction will be filed. Neither the Brandenburg state AfD nor the AfD in Senftenberg has responded to the situation yet.

"Each company is suing the AfD individually to send a strong message that they will not tolerate this racist and offensive act," Ehrmann said. "The damages claim is also being investigated." Previously, RBB24 reported on the situation.

Cruise companies distanced themselves from the AfD slogans. Carnival Cruise Line said, "We are horrified that pictures of our boats, which are used by people of different races and cultures in a peaceful and harmonious manner for recreation and work, were utilized for the racist remarks of the AfD."

Ehrmann, the president of the Cruise Line Association, expressed his feelings to the radio station, "Cruise liner business is known for values like openness and acceptance. We have a multicultural workforce and clientele on our vessels."

On the AfD Oberspreewald-Lausitz Facebook page, a video from January this year can be found where an AfD local politician promotes the calendar. Last year, AfD politicians from Baden-Württemberg also distributed a "deportation calendar" with airplanes.

The AfD member of the Senftenberg city council, Silvio Wolf, responded to a request from dpa on Tuesday, "I'll refer to the answer I gave RBB." In the written statement, it says, "We have concluded, with input from our party leader, that, due to the impending municipal elections and related activities, it is not possible for me and the faction to respond to your questions promptly." The Brandenburg state AfD has yet to comment on the situation.

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