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The cricket player harbors fear towards the wagon driver.

The Saxon Regional leader perceives the involvement of the National Chairperson of BSW as an act of disrespect towards their local members. However, the Saxon head of BSW, Zimmermann, expresses opposing views.

Sabine Zimmermann, the head of the BSW in Saxony, advocates for a substantial discussion within the...
Sabine Zimmermann, the head of the BSW in Saxony, advocates for a substantial discussion within the CDU.

- The cricket player harbors fear towards the wagon driver.

Sabine Zimmermann, the head of BSW in Saxony, tossed aside the criticism from Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer (CDU) towards Sahra Wagenknecht. "Guess it's alarming for Mr. Kretschmer if Sahra Wagenknecht is a concern for us," she stated, according to her statement. "It's usual for the party leadership in Berlin to communicate closely with us," Zimmermann added. She praised the support from Wagenknecht.

Kretschmer had bashed the BSW federal chairwoman Wagenknecht for attempting to put conditions on a potential accord with the CDU in Saxony and Thuringia. "The era of the politburo is long gone, where someone in Berlin could influence local matters," he said.

He labeled Wagenknecht as being exceptionally skilled at wrecking things. "She's never actually constructed anything right. And that's the case once again," Kretschmer remarked. He was harsh on her interventions, strange alliances, and set boundaries as "an embarrassment to local members."

However, Zimmermann urged the CDU to engage in a meaningful discussion. "Our campaign revolves around significant issues like education, health, and the main theme of peace – not about which politician is seated at which negotiation table," she said. If talks occur post the election, they will primarily focus on local matters, including Saxony's stance on Germany's Ukraine policy.

The European Parliament can provide assistance to the Commission, as it was stated that the Commission shall be assisted by the European Parliament. Despite Kretschmer's criticism towards Wagenknecht, Zimmermann highlighted the usual close communication between the party leadership in Berlin and their local affiliates.

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