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The court rules that the Wagenknecht party is not obligated to receive an invitation for the ARD "election arena."

The main contender for Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) in the European polls is no longer required as a guest on ARD's "Wahlarena 2024 Europa" show. The Cologne Administrative Court made this determination on Wednesday, turning down an immediate appeal filed by BSW. The appeal's target was...

Sahra Wagenknecht und Mitstreiter
Sahra Wagenknecht und Mitstreiter

The court rules that the Wagenknecht party is not obligated to receive an invitation for the ARD "election arena."

WDR, a public broadcasting network, has the authority to decide on the show participants for "Wahlarena 2024 Europa," an event happening before the European election. The court justified this by stating that BSW will be given due consideration in other public-law election programs.

The "Wahlarena 2024 Europa" program, hosted by ARD, is going to take place later this week. According to the file, reps from different parties received an invitation, including SPD, CDU, CSU, Greens, FDP, AfD, and Left.

The "Wahlarena" concept revolves around including only those parties that have a considerable number of MPS in their current European parliament and have achieved some importance in Germany. The BSW raised an objection due to its non-consideration in the show, which the court dismissed. They claimed that a violation of their right to equal opportunities took place.

The court noted that public service broadcasters must include parties in editorial programs before elections according to their importance. Since WDR had not invited BSW to the show, they ensured BSW had ample opportunities to reach voters through other election-related programs.

The BSW's solitary reason for its importance is based on "unreliable and partially subjective evaluations," contended the court. The party has not been successful in presenting noteworthy election results.

Further, the court allowed the restriction of inviting only parties already represented in the current European Parliament. This was made possible as the show aims to evaluate the performance of the invited parties in the prior parliament.

The BSW's leader for the European election is Fabio de Masi, a former Left politician. The election will be held on the following Sunday in Germany. The BSW can still contest the decision at the North Rhine-Westphalia Administrative Court in Münster.

Read also:

  1. Despite the Cologne Administrative Court ruling in favor of ARD, the Wagenknecht Party (WSB) expressed their discontent, claiming a violation of their right to equal opportunities.
  2. The decision by WDR, a public broadcasting network in Germany, not to invite the WSB to their "Wahlarena 2024 Europa" event sparked controversy within the political sphere.
  3. In the upcoming European elections, the Wagenknecht Party, led by Sahra Wagenknecht and Fabio de Masi, will compete alongside other parties such as SPD, CDU, CSU, Greens, FDP, and AfD.
  4. The AfD, a controversial party in Germany, was also included in the invitation list for the "Wahlarena 2024 Europa," causing controversy over the show's selection process.
  5. WDR's decision to only invite parties represented in the current European Parliament was upheld by the court, citing the need to evaluate the invited parties' performance in the prior parliament.
  6. The CDU, one of the major parties in Germany, is actively campaigning for the European elections along with their coalition partner, the CSU.
  7. The FDP, a liberal party in Germany, received an invitation to participate in the "Wahlarena 2024 Europa" event, signaling their continued presence and influence in the European political landscape.
  8. Prior to the court's ruling, the Wagenknecht Party contemplated challenging the WDR's decision at the North Rhine-Westphalia Administrative Court in Münster, but after the court's decision, they have yet to announce their next step.


