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The count of "Reich citizens" is increasing in Bremen.

On Friday, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Bremen released its newest report, identifying right-wing extremism as the most significant potential threat.

Bremen's Senator of the Interior Ulrich Mäurer (SPD).
Bremen's Senator of the Interior Ulrich Mäurer (SPD).

Upholding the constitutional principles. - The count of "Reich citizens" is increasing in Bremen.

In Bremen, there was a growth in the number of individuals who call themselves "Reichsburger" and "self-administrators" last year, with the figure rising from 130 to 170, shared Interior Senator Ulrich Maeruer (SPD) during the presentation of the 2023 Bremen's Constitution Protection Report.

These individuals and groups don't acknowledge the existence of the Federal Republic and its legal system. In Bremen, the "Kingdom of Germany" group is known to be active, as per the Constitution Protection Report.

Maeruer highlighted the current pressures facing democracy, commenting on a "discouraging starting point." Both security authorities and civil society must remain vigilant, he added.

A moderate rise was observed in both right- and left-wing extremists. According to the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution, the major threat to democracy lies with right-wing extremism. The number of right-wing extremists in the Federal State of Bremen increased from approximately 190 to 210.

Koeler, the head of the Bremen Office for the Protection of the Constitution, mentioned the increasing influence of the so-called New Right, who aim to make right-wing positions more socially acceptable. Online spaces have already witnessed a shift in what's considered acceptable.

The number of left-wing extremists in Bremen also increased slightly, from around 240 to 250. The left-wing scene is violent, according to Koeler. The case of left-wing extremist Lina E., who was sentenced to several years in prison in Dresden the previous year, was brought up. Riots occurred in Bremen following her verdict, with some individuals attacking the police with stones, fireworks, and bottles. Eight officers were injured in the process. "In a country our size, 250 violent left-wing extremists is an excess," said Koeler.

There are approximately 460 Salafists in Bremen, a relatively minor change from the prior year's 470 supporters. Throughout the year, about 30% of them were said to align with violent jihadist Salafism.

Maeruer noted that jihadist organizations are focusing their attention on events, such as the European Football Championship and the Olympic Summer Games. While Bremen isn't a host city for the European Championship, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Bremen has been investigating tips concerning the event for several months, he stated.

The situation in both external and internal security is undergoing significant change, as declared by both Maeruer and Koeler. They correlated these developments with events occurring in areas outside of Germany, including the ongoing war in the Middle East. Koeler claimed that Islamists and right-wing extremists are leveraging the war to disseminate antisemitic stories and imagery. He also referenced Russian attempts to destabilize democracy in Germany and mentioned suspicious occurrences in Bremerhaven without revealing details about the number or responsibility of the incidents.

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