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The cost of unification: Remaining applications yet to be submitted by Tuesday

Yearly, Saxony recognizes exceptional initiatives promoting integration and social harmony with a special recognition. Time is running out soon for submission of applications.

Social Affairs Minister Petra Köpping joins forces with Saxony's Commissioner for Foreign Affairs...
Social Affairs Minister Petra Köpping joins forces with Saxony's Commissioner for Foreign Affairs Geert Mackenroth (CDU) to bestow an honor.

- The cost of unification: Remaining applications yet to be submitted by Tuesday

Until the following Tuesday, initiatives, enterprises, administrations, and organizations can submit applications or be nominated for the Saxon Harmony Award. For the 15th consecutive time, this award commends remarkable dedication towards individuals with migrant roots and a beneficial impact on multicultural living in society.

The honor will be bestowed by Social Minister Petra Köpping (SPD) and Saxon Commissioner for Foreigners Geert Mackenroth (CDU). Three recipients will each be awarded 3,000 euros. The ceremony will transpire on October 28 within the plenary hall of the state parliament. Last year, initiatives from Borna, Großenhain, and Königstein were celebrated.

The Saxon Harmony Award recognizes the efforts of individuals with migrant roots, including refundees, who have significantly contributed to multicultural living in society. The award also honors organizations that support refugee integration and promote harmonious coexistence.

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