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The Cologne-Aachen railway line has been halted following a truck accident.

A lorry swerves off the highway and collides with a fast-moving rail tract. The chauffeur endures, albeit severely harmed. This incident additionally creates chaos in train transportation.

The rapid transit route connecting Cologne and Aachen remains indefinitely shutdown following...
The rapid transit route connecting Cologne and Aachen remains indefinitely shutdown following several prolonged hours.

- The Cologne-Aachen railway line has been halted following a truck accident.

Railway disruption on the fast track between Cologne and Aachen Continues after a lorry plummeted onto the rails. As of the crack of dawn on a Saturday, a spokesperson for the railway company couldn't provide an exact timeline for when the line would reopen. Overnight, efforts to eliminate the lorry, which fell onto the tracks around 4 PM on the previous day and often accommodates ICE and Eurostar trains, persisted. By early morning, the entire load, comprising the lorry and trailer, had been cleared from the tracks. Nevertheless, fixes to the overhead wires are still underway.

The 42-year-old lorry operator endured serious injuries in the incident and required intensive care unit treatment at a hospital. A drug trial carried out on him returned a positive result, leading to a blood sample request. The source of the incident remains unidentified.

The disruption on the Railway between Cologne and Aachen is causing significant inconvenience for travelers using ICE and Eurostar trains. Despite the lorry and trailer being successfully removed from the tracks, repairs to the damaged overhead wires on the Railway are still ongoing.

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