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The city of Essen is required to make Grugahalle accessible to the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.

The Grugahalle in Essen will have to be offered to the AfD for their national convention in late June, as ruled by the Gelsenkirchen Administrative Court. However, this decision is not legally binding yet. Involved parties can still choose to file an appeal with the North Rhine-Westphalia State...

Flags fly in front of the Grugahalle.
Flags fly in front of the Grugahalle.

The ongoing argument in regards to the Federal Party Congress remains unsettled and is currently before the Essen District Court. A verdict from this civil case is expected during a scheduled hearing on Monday.

An official Update from Gelsenkirchen Regional Court.

Read also:

  1. Despite the legal court's ruling, some local Minsters in North Rhine-Westphalia have expressed their disapproval towards the decision to make Grugahalle accessible to the AfD parties.
  2. The Administrative court in North Rhine-Westphalia has issued judgments in favor of the AfD party, allowing them to participate in public events, including the Federal Party Conference.
  3. At the Gelsenkirchen Regional Court hearing, attorneys for both parties presented their arguments, with the AfD arguing for their right to hold events in public spaces and the opposing parties arguing against this.
  4. Following the court's decision, the city of Gelsenkirchen has begun making necessary arrangements to ensure the safety and accessibility of Grugahalle for the upcoming AfD party event.
  5. Food vendors and other service providers have been informed of the AfD party event at Grugahalle, and some have expressed concerns about potential disturbances or protests during the event.



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