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The Chairman of the Values Union: Realistic to enter the Landtag

In the state election, the Values Union is running with only a few direct candidates. Its state chairman still believes that his party will be represented in the state parliament - also due to its stance on the war.

Albert Weiler, chairman of the Values Union, deems entering parliament possible.
Albert Weiler, chairman of the Values Union, deems entering parliament possible.

- The Chairman of the Values Union: Realistic to enter the Landtag

About four weeks before the Thuringian state election, the state chairman of the Values Union, Albert Weiler, firmly believes in his party's entry into the Thuringian state parliament. "Yes, we can do it," Weiler said on the sidelines of the Values Union's election campaign launch in Gera.

His party wants to, among other things, campaign for votes with education policy and the asylum issue. Additionally, the party's stance on the war in Ukraine will be a central theme in the campaign and is expected to sway many people to vote for the party. "We are absolutely against the war and want to negotiate," Weiler said.

According to Weiler, the Values Union is running in Thuringia with four direct candidates, including in Weimar and Gera. The party emerged as a splinter group from the CDU. Weiler estimates its potential in Thuringia at 15 to 20 percent of the votes.

If even a quarter of this potential is tapped, entry into the state parliament could be successful. In most opinion polls, the Values Union is not listed as an independent party, but under the category "other".

Former domestic intelligence chief Maaßen criticizes his former party

During the election campaign launch, the federal chairman of the Values Union, former domestic intelligence chief Hans-Georg Maaßen, criticized his former party, the CDU, in particular. Even under its current chairman, Friedrich Merz, it is essentially continuing the course of former CDU chairwoman Angela Merkel, Maaßen said.

If the CDU's top candidate for the state election, Mario Voigt, actually becomes Minister President, nothing will change for the people of Thuringia. A new state parliament will be elected in Thuringia on September 1.

The Values Union, led by Albert Weiler, originated as a splinter group from the CDU. Despite not being listed as an independent party in most opinion polls, Weiler hopes that if even a quarter of the Values Union's potential is realized, it could secure entry into the CDU's position in the Thuringian state parliament.

Criticizing his former party, the CDU, the federal chairman of the Values Union, Hans-Georg Maaßen, stated during the election campaign launch that the CDU, under its current chairman Friedrich Merz, is largely continuing the course set by former CDU chairwoman Angela Merkel.

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